Updates to David Taylor's Software - 2012

This page lists the changes made to my applications during 2012.  Recent updates.

Date Application Notes
2012-Dec-23 Metop Manager
Processes AVHRR & GAC data from the EUMETCast EPS Metop-A/B streams, and manages other data and messages
V2.0.6 - Reporting updates to show satellite in use and save with unique file name, refine thermal calibration and satellite ID for Metop-B, French language update, fix inability to combine multiple chunks (will only affect Metop-A, and only users who have upgraded), fix ASCAT file handling including retention periods, make "Locate" form caption echo the satellite name.
For existing users, an upgrade from Metop Manager 1 to Metop Manager 2 is available here.
2012-Dec-15 MapToGeo
Converts map images to geostationary projection
V1.2.0 - compile with Delphi 2009.
2012-Dec-15 Kepler Manager V1.4.4 - Add Metop-B support (but you still need to enter 38771 in the individual satellite list, as Space-Track haven't been updating their "group" lists, such as "weather").
2012-Dec-15 HRPT Reader V2.10.10 - More Metop-B support - HMF, HPT and L1B formats (geolocation should be close, visible calibration should be near, most thermal calibration should be near, should be able to use NOAA-17 and Metop-B [they have the same satellite ID but different time range]).
2012-Dec-01 MSG Animator V2.6.6 - Add "PAR" parallel option (should work for both SEVIRI and MPEF data, designed for parallel running operation - e.g. early MSG-3), new convection LUTs.
2012-Dec-01 MSG Data Manager V2.6.6 - Add support for Met-7 meteorological products, support HSAF h01, h02 & h10 file names, support EARS-NWC data, support OSCAF (SAF) data on [SAF-Global], support ECMWF A_H*.bin files on [WMO-RA-VI], support VOLE MPEF data, add temporary support for AMVE MPEF data, reporting updates, IASI purge addition, update Met-7 & MTSAT-2 Autumn eclipse dates, minor thermal calibration updates.
2012-Nov-22 Metop Manager V2.0.4 - Continue multi-satellite support (AMSU-A save directory renamed to AMSUA), save AVHRR files in EPS-global\AVHRR-A\2012... instead of EPS-global\2012... (suggest close program, make AVHRR-A directory, move the 2012 tree there), more unification of the -A -B and -C save directories, add option to control deleting of NOAA-19 files (would be checked on the instance handling NOAA data, enhance support for [EPS-Africa] ASCAT data, fix issues in previous betas.
2012-Nov-15 CMA Viewer
Visualise CMA data sent over EUMETCast
V1.3.0 - Compile with Delphi 2009.
2012-Nov-10 Metop Manager
V2.0.2 - Start multi-satellite support (Metop Manager 2 licence required, initially, just for GRAS data, both GRAS_xxx and W_XX files handled, Metop-B files saved in GRAS-B directory tree), allow control of screenshot save quality.
2012-Oct-04 HRPT Reader V2.10.8 - Add temperature profile display (registered version), enhanced support for direct-reception FY-3A/B files.
2012-Oct-02 VectorScope V1.1.0 - Recompiled for Delphi 2009.
2012-Jul-22 GeoSatSignal
Process images from geostationary weather satellites
V7.3.4 - Updates to Browse EUMETCast ( remembers last user-specified day/hour/minute, faster display of file name hints), experimental RGB mode on FY2, GOES, Met-7 & MTSAT data, support MTSAT-2 McIDAS data from: http://satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov/pub/mtsat/, support HRV background mode on more HRV segments, updates for more recent Bracknell overlay (use Job setup, Remapping, Overlay "Bracknell 2"), allow larger fonts in the thermal calibration scale.
V7.3.6 - Correct missing station marker in V7.3.4.
2012-Jul-15 MODIS L1 Viewer V3.0.4 - Support mouse wheel to scroll the images, more warnings when some channels not present, area acceptance limits for batch mode (values from Setup or batch-commanded region number, data-deficient passes not saved), recognise 250m and 500m files in batch mode, improved support for orthographic projection in northern regions where large longitude spans are needed, some protection against non-HDF files, correct 125m scaling.
2012-Jul-15 HDF Viewer V1.4.6 - Support Fire Risk Map (FRM) data, start Land Cover (LANDCOV) support (includes colour palette and mouse-over descriptions, HDF5 cache=0 accepted with reluctance), add ASCII output for more data types, add image "snapshot" of selected region in ASCII mode (SNAPSHOT2 and SNAPSHOT4 alternatives provide 2x and 4x zoom), accept MapGen and GSHHS 2.2 boundary data, add support for local boundary data which is specified by the environment variable BOUNDARY_DATA, environment variable BOUNDARY_COLOUR can define the boundary colour (limited to grey shades currently).
2012-May-17 WXtrack V3.8.20 - Honour +3 orbits ground track display request, restore Next Pass displays in manual mode, handle missing radio modes more elegantly, correct southern hemisphere moon phase display.
2012-May-15 MSG Data Manager V2.6.4 - Start support channel 12 AVISO NRT and CorSSH data (data must be in Data Channel 12, retention period is the same as other AMESD data), honour retention period for SAF SST metagranules.
2012-May-06 Metop Manager V1.4.14 - Handle "Save data in EPS format" correctly with .BZ2 data, add support for new WMO naming on copied data, merge IASI and IASI 366 processing options, add option to delete problem AVHRR file rather than stopping, French language update.
2012-May-06 BUFR Viewer V1.1.12 - Update for new "sounder" file names.
2012-Apr-19 MODIS L1 Viewer V3.0.2 - Add support for 250m, 500m & 1km resolution LAADS data (allows use of world-wide data you download from this site, extend File|Open dialog to include LAADS file names,  support drag-drop of one or more LAADS files, support files on the command-line), user-selected RGB support for combining visible or thermal channels (10 settings), add reading a whole directory of fire files parameter: -fire:<directory-name> (supports many command-line options, plots cities, background image named FireBackground.jpg supported), option for world map view in browser, option to bypass new file scanning on startup, setup option for EUMETCast channels or all channels - a program restart is required, support for GSHHS 2.2 and MapGen boundary data, add support for local boundary data which is specified by the environment variable BOUNDARY_DATA, substantial command line enhancements being developed.
V3 upgrade required
2012-Apr-05 HRPT Reader V2.10.6 - Accept GSHHS 2.2 boundary data, display numeric satellite ID in View, Telemetry.
2012-Apr-04 GRIB Viewer V2.3.14 - Support for GOES/MSG-D/H__DLI/SSI data, decode and display SST confidence and delta-time fields, ctrl-F5 loads the latest version of the displayed data, right-click image for auto-refresh option, improved display for S-OSI_-NOR_-MULT-AHLSST data, support saving images in TIFF format from the command-line, use a compressed format when saving TIFF images (note: new DLLs required), move bottom caption up by two pixels, add support for local boundary data which is specified by the environment variable BOUNDARY_DATA.
2012-Apr-04 Sea-Ice and SST Viewer V1.4.4 - Support more data types (S-OSI_-FRA_-MTOP-GLBSST_FIELD, S-OSI_-FRA_-MTOP-NARSST_FIELD, S-OSI_-FRA_-NOAA-NARSST_FIELD), add these to the File|Open menu.
2012-Apr-03 GeoSatSignal V7.3.2 - Support more GOES-15 data, support more Dundee data for RGB combinations, add option for satellite name in common timestamp, add option for year in annotation text, enhance FY-2D support, add FY-2D to EUMETCast Browser function, revised HRV mapping (works best with MSG Data Manager 2.6), per-job overlay position tweak, accept GSHHS 2.2 boundary data.
2012-Apr-03 MSG Animator V2.6.2 - Add zoom option ( select zoom level from Setup dialog, four fixed zoom levels available,  double-height option still available [Expand N-S], pixels rescaled - not interpolated, boundaries scaled with the image, so uglier), add second boundary option ( common across all animations, may display in greyscale or blue colour, colour according to the particular palette in use), allow either boundary to accept MapGen format data, accept GSHHS 2.2 boundary data, accept parameters defining which animations to start ( example: MsgAnimator.exe -3 -7), revised HRV mapping which works best with data from the MSG Data Manager 2.6, apply 3-hourly data option to Meteosat data if selected.
2012-Apr-03 MSG Data Manager V2.6.2 - Improved HRV north-south positioning ( works best with GeoSatSignal 7.3 and the MSG Animator 2.6), support GSHHS 2.2 boundary data, option for copying MODIS MOD05/YD05 TPW files, reporting updates ( add estimated FY2D eclipse dates, merge multiple MPE reports after RSS restart).
2012-Feb-25 MSG Data Manager V2.5.54 - Update SAF retention to include AHL data, interpret more AMESD date formats, support WMO-RA-I data (T_HML* files supported, must be in \received\WMO-RA-I, saved to \images\DWDSAT\ tree), support EARS IASI sounder data), option to save ATOVS/IASI data in images\Sounder ( older files in both directories will be managed), reporting updates (eclipse dates and exclude FIRC as it's not a fixed number of segments).
2012-Feb-01 WXtrack V3.8.18 - More information with the Tracker Status box pop-up hint (WiSPDDE displays uplink & downlink frequencies & modes), when user changes radio modes a 4-second delay should cause WiSPDDE to pick up the change (an hour-glass is displayed while this happens).
2012-Feb-01 AVHRR Manager
Handles EARS NOAA & Metop-A AVHRR data.
V2.0.8 - Add support for new EUMETCast directory naming, hidden Thumbs.db file removed when deleting an empty folder, French language update.

Copyright © David Taylor, Edinburgh   Last modified: 2013 Jul 01 at 15:57